Prayer is an important part of our lives as followers of Christ. It can help us to connect with God in times of joy and sorrow. We are encouraged to follow Jesus’ example of praying daily and he gave us what we call The Lord’s Prayer to help us.
Below are some short, simple daily prayers for daytime and night time, including a simple bedtime prayer time for children and parents to share together. Sometimes we find it harder to find our own words to pray and we can, together, use words already produced. With this in mind we have a set of daily prayers below, with linked readings to help you find a rhythm for your prayer life. In addition, we offer a Facebook Live Night Prayer every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 9pm. One of the ministry team will lead you in Night Prayer; they may offer you some words about a particular saint, share the Psalm and reading for the evening and pray for things that important in our world and community at the moment. Our prayers always include the first names of those people who have asked for healing prayer. |
Short service of night Prayer Live from Mon-Thur at 9pm on this link
Prayers during the day |
Night Prayers |